ThommessenFlow Finn folk

Camilla Vislie Partner Advokat (H)

Camilla leder Thommessens avdeling for immaterial-og markedsføringsrett. Hun arbeider med immaterialrettslig rådgivning og tvisteløsning innenfor life science og andre teknologidrevne bransjer, og med opphavsrett, medie- og markedsføringsrett. Hun har publisert en rekke artikler og holder ofte foredrag om patent- varemerke- og opphavsrettslige spørsmål. Camilla har hatt møterett for Høyesterett siden 2018.

'Camilla (...) stands out as one of the best IP litigation lawyers in Norway‘' - Legal500 (2022)

'You know she has you covered and thinks about every aspect of the case.' - Chambers & Partners (2022)

"Analytical and super-experienced” (...) A stand-out litigator in cross-border technology, media and life sciences disputes (World Trademark Review 2022)
  1. The Legal 500
    Leading Individual, Intellectual Property

    "Camilla Vislie is leading the IP department and she is, from a professional perspective, one of the most outstanding IP lawyers in Norway. In addition, Camilla is a sympathetic person who is very pleasant to work with."

  2. Chambers & Partners Europe and Global
    Band 1, Intellectual Property

    "Camilla Vislie is a very high-profile lawyer acting on a lot of big court cases."
    "Camilla is top-quality in every aspect: knowledge, communication skills, experience, kindness and service."
    "She is a renowned IP lawyer who understands the client's problems and is good at knowing the law and how to structure things. She is solution-oriented."
    "Camilla Vislie is a very smart lawyer."

  3. WTR 1000
    Gold Band, Enforcement and litigation

    "She is highly regarded for her exemplary professionalism."

  4. Kapitals Advokatundersøkelse
    2. plass, Immaterialrett og Media

  5. The Legal 500
    Recommended Lawyer, TMT

  6. IP Stars
    Patent Star; Trademark star; Top 250 Women in IP, Norway

  7. IAM Patent 1000
    Gold band, Litigation

    Heading the IP group, Camilla Vislie is a national treasure of IP litigation, commanding precedential cases, particularly in the pharmaceutical space.

  8. Who's Who Legal
    Global Elite Thought Leader, IP - Patents

  9. Who's Who Legal
    Recommended Lawyer, IP - Trademarks; IP - Copyright

  10. Who's Who Legal
    Recommended Lawyer, Life Sciences - Patent Litigation

  11. TNS Prospera klientundersøkelse
    1. plass, Immaterialrett

    Camilla ledet teamet som ble kåret til nr. 1 innen juridisk kompetanse i kategorien Immaterialrett

  1. Møterett for Høyesterett

  2. Partner, Oslo, Thommessen

  3. Senior Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  4. Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  5. Dommerfullmektig, Øvre Romerike tingrett

  6. Rådgiver, Lovavdelingen, Justisdepartementet

  7. Vitenskapelig assistent, Juridisk fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo

  1. Eksamen i Grunnleggende prosjektledelse (5 studiepoeng)
    Skema Business School

  2. Cand jur
    Universitetet i Oslo

  1. Immaterialrett, kontrakter og erstatning (red.)

  2. Global Patent Litigation: Strategy and Practise, Kluwer Law 2019

  3. Global Patent Litigation: Strategy and Practise - Norway, Kluwer Law 2016

  4. Global Patent Litigation: Strategy and Practise - Norway, Kluwer Law 2014

  5. Varemerker som søkeord - nok en gang!, Lov & Data 2014

  6. Grenseoppgang fra Strasbourg i Tønsbergs Blad-saken, Jussens venner nr. 5/2007

  7. Høyesterett og menneskerettighetene, TANO Aschehoug 1999