ThommessenFlow Finn folk

Ellen Teresa Heyerdahl Partner Advokat

Ellen har lang erfaring som rådgiver innenfor finansieringstransaksjoner innenfor flere sektorer. Hun bistår norske og utenlandske långivere, låntakere og tilretteleggere med bilaterale og syndikerte lånefasiliteter, obligasjonslån og innlånsprogrammer. Ellens hovedfokus er finansiering av skip, luftfartøy og offshoreinstallasjoner, prosjekt- og oppkjøpsfinansiering innenfor alle områder. leder Thommessens bank- og finansgruppe. Ellen er også en del av Thommessens restruktureringsteam.
  1. The Legal 500
    Leading Individual, Banking & Finance (including shipping finance)

    "Ellen is very knowledgeable and very good at seeing and explaining the bigger picture, to assist clients with decision-making."

  2. The Legal 500
    Recommended Lawyer, Insolvency and Corporate Recovery

  3. The Legal 500
    Recommended Lawyer, Maritime Law

    "Ellen is one-of-a-kind in finance, with her unique combination of legal and industry knowledge. We can always rely on her to get the deal done or have broader strategy discussions."

  4. Kapitals Advokatundersøkelse
    Topp 10, Bank og finans

  5. Chambers & Partners Europe and Global
    Band 2, Banking & Finance

    "Ellen is a hard-working and well-experienced lawyer who is very pleasant to work with. She is able to deliver both high-quality legal and strategic advice as well as being able to consider and understand the commercial side and possible risks."

  6. Chambers & Partners Europe
    Band 2, Shipping: Finance

    "Ellen Teresa Heyerdahl has a unique understanding of the client's needs."

  7. IFLR1000
    Highly Regarded, Banking and finance

  8. IFLR1000
    Highly Regarded, Restructuring and insolvency

  9. IFLR1000
    Women Leaders, Banking and finance, Restructuring and insolvency

  1. Partner, Oslo, Thommessen

  2. Managing Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  3. Senior Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  4. Advokatbevilling

  5. Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  6. Advokatfullmektig, Wiersholm

  1. Eksamen i Grunnleggende prosjektledelse (5 studiepoeng)
    Skema Business School

  2. Cand jur
    Universitetet i Oslo